CSET Project #: 1901
Project Funding: Universty of Hawai'i Manoa
Start Date: September 2019
End Date: September 2021
Budget: $125042
The transportation safety needs of Hawaiians and other minorities in Hawaii have not been addressed in the past. As a result, very little is known about them. In the first year of research we used aggregate data from FARS, Trauma Registry and other resources to summarize conditions in the state of Hawaii and at specific RITI areas of the state. In addition, comparisons were made among all four CSET states. The current study focuses on two specific transportation facets of Hawaiians, part-Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders: Their driving behavior by using a driving simulator and their traffic safety perceptions by using a detailed, computer based survey. The simulator-based analysis focuses on over 200 professional taxi drivers, some of them minorities, who took lesson 27.2 on Distracted Driving, on a realistic driving simulator. The objective of the test is to demonstrate how the distraction of texting or cell phone use limits a driver’s ability to observe the road environment. The computer-based survey was developed and is being deployed with a target to obtain about 2,000 completed responses. In addition to standard demographic, socioeconomic and basic travel and transportation questions, the questionnaire includes questions on distracted driving and on driving on rural roads in Hawaii. A substantial emphasis was given in the questionnaire survey for receiving input relevant to safety equity.
Dr. Panos Prevedouros presented the results of the naturalistic driving component of the research during a webinar hosted by CSET. The webinar was recorded and is available on You Tube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vw4e7_0rhk8&t=52s.